What We Do


Sometimes medications are needed to treat brain based conditions that are not amenable to counseling or talk therapies. In addition, medication can be a tool to allow non-medical treatments a chance to work. Certain conditions when severe, prevent people from being able to use the treatments they need. Medication can ease the rigidity of thinking and diminish the depth of the hopelessness people feel which keeps them from making change.


For conditions that may be life-long, We also provide long term, ongoing management of medication; maintaining the safety and watching for any issues which may arise over time. Particularly for younger people, the evolving nature of their development often brings what were very successful treatments out of alignment. Managing medications over the long term involves both watchful waiting and knowing when and how to make changes.  Prior to prescribing medication, your tailored, individualized wellness plan may include:



Selecting the right kind of therapy for the right patient is one of our specialties:


Privacy and confidentiality are very important at treatment centers that cater to business executives, entrepreneurs, politicians, and elite performers. Some patients may be concerned that seeking treatment will negatively impact their business or reputation. Appointments may be maintained under an alias in order to assist confidentiality.  We specialize in working with leaders in industries including tech, finance, politics, sports, entertainment, and philanthropy, as well as their families.

Urgent Concerns

Metabolic Psychiatry

Metabolic Psychiatry combines the principles of biological psychiatry to optimize overall metabolic health by reducing inflammation and insulin resistance. We are gradually coming to understand that inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance may represent important root causes of many chronic brain illnesses, including many psychiatric disorders. Integration of this approach is an additional tool often overlooked in improving symptoms of depression, bipolar, anxiety, eating disorders and other brain health illnesses. This approach analyzes how nutrition affects brain metabolism, specifically focusing on reducing sugar, processed foods, and refined carbohydrates as a mechanism to improve mind and body health. 

Cancer and Psychiatry

There are many mental and emotional ramifications of living with and fighting cancer. Additionally, specialized review of drug-drug interactions is necessary to minimize adverse effects.  We specialize in helping cancer patients and survivors with psych oncology services:

Dedicated Health Partner

When the family member of a physician is in the hospital, their physician is reviewing every lab, x-ray, scan, and recommendation that the hospital staff are providing.  Members of our practice rarely leave because it is like having a physician be part of their family, without the additional baggage that comes with being family.


When it comes time to appoint a person to make decisions about our health in case we are no longer capable to act – say after an accident – most people choose a close relative: the spouse, one of the children, or a parent. In most cases, this person has no medical knowledge to make a profound and medically competent decision about treatment options and the best location for treatment. More concerning even is that this person is often under high emotional stress.


This is why we have introduced the Patient Guardian Program. 

As part of this program, you may create a Healthcare Directive that appoints us as the organization to be your Patient Guardian and to coordinate treatment, and to decide on the best medical facility, and interact with the treating doctors and of course your relatives. We safely store a copy of your Healthcare Directive and provide you with an emergency card for your wallet that will inform medical professionals about your will.


In critical situations, we will coordinate with an independent medical expert who does not have any financial interests when it comes to deciding on treatment choices as well as supervising interventions to avoid medical errors. This regularly leads to better outcomes for the patient and very often also less costs. Such professional management also ensures the best available options are taken into consideration, which regularly leads to better decisions compared to your relatives or your family doctor, who may of course want to do their best but may not actually have sufficient knowledge or access.


With the Patient Guardian you secure for yourself and your family a professional solution for medical treatment management in case you are unable to decide yourself. For a modest annual fee, we store your personal Healthcare Directive, keeps your medical records up-to-date and centrally stored, and can intervene in cases of emergency to ensure the best possible treatment.


Second Opinion Consultations

Second Opinions are a unique kind of consultation. We gather information not only from the patient and family, but also from the treatment team: current physicians, pharmacologist, current therapists (individual, group, family), school personnel., and additional supports We also review all previous treatment records, testing reports, school assessments, and the like. Additional medical and psychological testing, as well as genetic testing, may be used to allow for greater clarity. The goal of a second opinion consultation is to identify why the current treatment is not working and come to a correct diagnosis and treatment plan for your family member or yourself.

Professional Consultation

We also provide psychiatric consultation for:

Congressional Office Program

Due to security concerns of congressional representatives, physicians may provide personal treatment (to the extent allowed by law) at the private residence or office of the representative.